Thinking About My Children

Thinking About My Children

Next month, our oldest grandson is getting married. We will be heading to the UK for the big event. I am a little unnerved about becoming the grandmother of a married grandchild and all that could mean for the future but mostly I am thrilled. I have my dress and shoes and we have our airline tickets. Now it is time to stop and take a look at the sum of the results of the last 47 years since his father was born.
I think I have mentioned, several times, that I have 3 grown children. Our two sons and daughter have turned out to be very different and yet very similar adults. They certainly have done as much to form my life as I might have done to form their lives. I am not really too sure how much I actually had to do with the adults they have become.
They are all in their forties. They do not look like me. They do look a bit like one another. I think of them all as friends that I would have chosen as friends even if they were not my children. I kind of sit on the side line cheering them on as they make life changing decisions. They are all doing well although in very different ways. I can’t imagine how life would have been without the head aches and stomach turning events that we went through together and that we are all going through, even if more on our own at this point.
All three are very creative individuals who together could build a house or run a business, if they could speak to each other long enough.
They are all amazing cooks. If they are still willing to put up with me, I won’t starve in my old age.
I am looking forward to the next chapter in our lives. We have one grandchild getting married and another one who just became engaged. I just wish time would slow down a little. Is that really too much to ask?
I will keep spending that hour on my tread mill and trying to eat right so I will be able to enjoy every exciting day.

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