National Library Service Talking Book Program


The Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library provides audio and large print books as well as access to over 350 newspapers over the phone and audio Described DVDs containing movies and TV shows.  The library is part of the federally funded National Library Service.

Gayle Yarnall will demonstrate the free, easy to use digital player and explain how all these services can be delivered to your home at no cost.  Now you have a library that will deliver books, magazines and movies directly to your door.  All this in a format that is accessible to anyone who can’t read standard print comfortably for a physical reason.

If you are an I Phone user or I Pad user there is an app for downloading books directly from the library web site to your phone.

If you cannot see well enough to recognize the denomination of US currency, we can give you information on how to receive a free currency identifier.

If you did not know that a person with a visual impairment can use an I Phone or I Pad, we can show you how that can be done.

Applications will be available during the presentation.  We can even help fill them out. You could have a player and books arriving at your door in days.

Gayle Yarnall is totally blind and has been a Talking Book Library patron for almost 50 years.  She will show you how easy it is to keep reading your favorite books and magazines.  Nothing can keep you connected with the world like reading.

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