
Welcome to Gayle Connected, thanks for dropping by.

Yes, I am the same Gayle Yarnall who has been in the adaptive technology field since the late 70s. Most recently, you knew me at Perkins Products part of The Perkins School for the blind. For many years before that, I was the president and chief bottle washer at Adaptive Technology Consulting. Prior to that, if you have lived long enough, or your memory is good enough, I worked with TeleSensory Systems and Kurzweil Computer Products. Now, instead of having enough sense to retire, I am starting over again.

You also might have followed my blog both at ATC and Perkins. The blog is titled Gayle Unplugged, thus the new name for the new blog as well as the new company is Gayle Connected.

This web site will grow along with my business and eventually will provide all kinds of information including projects I am working on, information about new high and low tech devices, helpful hints as well as information to encourage people who are blind and low vision to get out and grab hold of life.

Please visit my new blog and learn more about me and Gayle Connected.

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