Frankfort Day 2
I have spent the last 24 hours in technology hell. I am now at least in Purgatory.
To start with I could not get email. I would get one now and again just to tease me. Then I tried going on Facebook and failed with that. Oh well, I thought, I have some work I could do using Yahoo Answers. Oops, only got German. I had no Arthur or Michelle to dig me out of my mess so I ran in place and read.
We ate dinner in the hotel last night and walked the airport. We found 4 luggage stores and we might have missed some. I saw an amazing brief case for a mere 2500 Euros. Maybe I should just pick up a pair of them. Actually the sales guy was great and willing to both show me things he knew I would never purchase and help me with my feeble German.
I have been able to come out with a couple of complete sentences.
Someone is cleaning my room now. We communicated a bit but for all I know she is going to remove my toilet.