The Beatles 50 Years ago

Listening To The Beatles 50 Years ago

Every time I hear someone mention the Beatles and their arrival on the American stage, 50 years ago, I remember where I was when I was watching that famous Ed Sullivan Show.
Our real family TV was upstairs in my parent’s bedroom. Someone gave us an old TV that we put at one end of our living room. This was sort of for me so I could sit right in front of it and not make a better door than a window. That famous night I had invited Fred Suzabeck to my house to watch the Beatles. Of course we sat in the living room and of course I did not sit right in front of the TV. I had a real to real recorder all set up for the big event. I don’t think there was any kind of romance between Fred and me. Maybe I had a crush on him but I don’t think the feelings were returned. Anyway, we did watch the show and we did record it.
Last night when I was sitting on the couch with Neal watching the 50 year anniversary show, of course I told him where I was for the first, big deal show. At that moment, I realized that somewhere, Fred was probably telling someone the same story. I never thought of that before. Of course it is not just my story but his story as well. I got the recording but he got to see the little bitty black and white Beatles.
I wish I even knew how to spell Fred’s name. I know he is out there somewhere and we have this strange Beatles connection. I was 16 then and I think he might have been a year younger than me. He sat in front of me in algebra class at Luther North High school.
If anyone finds Fred, please tell him I said hello.

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