A Field Trip for Grown Ups

Our theater field trip was the most perfect Christmas gift from our very wonderful friend.
There were three parts to this gift.
We were going to get to see another friend that we had not seen for 7 years. It had been so long that we had not even met her husband and they have probably been married for about 5 years. This is partly because they moved another hour and a half further than Portland.
The second part was that our friend was going to do all the driving, the couple living north of Portland would drive to her house and then they would drive to pick us up and we would all head to Boston.
We were going to see the play The Big Meal at
1. Zeitgeist Stage Company
The weather was not looking very good.
This has been the story of our lives these days.
We decided to do lunch before the play instead of dinner after and maybe avoid the upcoming snow.
We had such fun in the car. It was like being kids again and we had a great time catching up. Another friend had joined the group so there were six of us.
Of course we were faced with the issue of parking in snowy Boston. All the garages were full. We were meeting two more people who live in the area and one of them helped find a perfect secret parking place that was even close to the theater.
Seeing the parked cars in cubical of snow or completely covered in their own private snow heaps was pretty amazing. I don’t know how people can put up with all this snow. It is bad enough here in our smallish town.
We ate at Aquitaine
We were now up to 8 for lunch and the food was great. The bloody Marries were even better.
Next we were off to the play.
The Big Meal was very unusual and well done. You can visit the above link and learn more about the play.
We were then off to the car and the weather was going down hill fast. Our excellent driver got us all back home safely while we had fun in the back seats like little kids.
This was the most amazing birthday gift for all of us in that car.

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