Adventures With Coronavirus March 31

Adventures With Coronavirus March 31

I am sorry it has been so long since I have written.
Time flies when you are having fun. Oh, how true, this is not so much fun.
I have lots to share. It is not very exciting but here goes.
Friday night we played trivia with two other couples, virtually. Everyone brought their beverage of choice and some brought snacks. We did not have to share. We played, we never knew who won. I think we forgot to keep score. We laughed a lot and soon it felt like we were together for a normal social Friday night.
No one had to clean their house.
We decided to get together every Friday night so it would feel like we were having a week end.
Saturday Neal got us bagels from our local bagel place.
We watched several episodes of West Wing.

Sunday started with another bagel run. This time we took orders from some neighbors and left breakfast hanging on door knobs.
We awoke to an email telling us what items would not be in our grocery delivery. Peapod delivered our food around 10:30. I covered our dining room table and that is where we unloaded everything. I scrubbed vegetables in soapy water and rinsed them. We used wipes on glass and plastic and left cardboard items to clean themselves over the next few days. Frozen stuff went right into the freezer. Of course we did not get toilet paper. We still have plenty but we are now programmed to want more.
Neal made a big pot of jambalaya and it turned out great.
Monday was rainy and there was no walk. The walk sure makes a difference. I washed floors, now that is living. I usually have someone clean my house once a month but not now.
Several more episodes of West Wing. We will finish tomorrow before the April first deadline that we probably only set for ourselves.
I finished a very good book called State of Wonder by Ann Patchett. It was able to distract me and take me to a place worse than here.
I am really blessed. We have the lake as the view from most of our windows. Spring is starting to wake up our garden. We have fabulous neighbors and a beautiful street to walk on every morning. Our kids check in on us old folks and help keep us entertained. We have great friends and we check in on one another.

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