Keep Reading March 2020
So, this is a pretty fix we are finding ourselves in. We are being told to stay home. This gives me more time to read but I am finding it harder for books to hold my attention. I am particularly distracted when the characters get to go out without social distancing.
I can promise you that my book suggestions for this month are good ones because they held my interest from start to finish.
My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie combines a lot of fact along with some fiction. We learn about the time of Alexander Hamilton from the viewpoint of his wife. The story is captivating even though you think you know it. You will be shown a lot of history from a side not often explained.
State of Wonder by Ann Patchett is an earlier book by the author of The Dutch House. You will travel from Minnesota to the jungles of Brazil. The jungle descriptions are not likely to want you to travel there right now. Strong characters, interesting surroundings and great writing will keep you going page after page.
Olive Again by Elizabeth Strout is the sequel you might not have known you wanted.
I think I liked this even more than Olive Kitteridge. All the stories are about Olive as she goes from thinking she is old to realizing what old really is and dealing with it. I would have to go back and check but I think one of the stories is from the first book. I did not think of this book as a series of short stories but as one story with several chapters. Characters have a wonderful way of making a quick appearance in one chapter and then becoming a main character in another chapter. You need to pay attention or you will find yourself going back to find out where that character first showed up.
I am also blogging about living in the time of Carona and I sometimes mention books there.
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