Search Results for: pistoia

Friday in Pistoia, Our Last Day

Friday, Last Day in Pistoia I don’t think either of us said a word while walking to breakfast. Although I think we are both ready to go home Italy and its life style has gotten into our blood. Peggy and … Continue reading →...

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Thursday in Pistoia

Thursday in Pistoia We are creeping up on the end of our vacation. I am writing with Joanne’s big black dog on my bed. This dog has decided I need protecting. She is a real sweet heart. I am looking … Continue reading →...

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Wednesday in Pistoia

Wednesday in Pistoia Peggy and I headed to breakfast and then to the big Market that starts very early on Wednesday morning. Seriously, there were two blocks of tables selling shoes. I saw several that I liked but it was … Continue reading &ra...

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Tuesday in Pistoia

Tuesday in Pistoia We started our day with our usual trip to pick up breakfast although today we ate inside. We caught the 1:00 train to Monte Catini Terme which was only one stop. This is a lovely spa town … Continue reading →...

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Monday in Pistoia

Monday in Pistoia This was a lazy day. Peggy and I went into town to get breakfast and we all went in a little later. We took the dog with us and stopped for fresh orange juice. I mixed mine … Continue reading →...

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Sunday in Pystoia

Just another Sunday In Pistoia First of all let me say I am sorry for not spell checking yesterday’s entry. I am doing this in stages and I skipped that step for yesterday. Peggy and I started the day by … Continue reading →...

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Thursday in Florence

Thursday in Florence Another early start. I had a pastry rather than a sandwich and too much whipped cream on my hot chocolate, if there is such a thing. However it was dark hot chocolate. We then headed for the … Continue reading →...

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